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nariman44's picture
Is Bovada Rigged?


Dear All,

This might seem like an old and over discussed question. However, in this topic I would like to collect some solid evidence to determine whether Bovada is rigged or not?

Please only mention HUSNG experiences.



RyPac13's picture
The problem with posting

The problem with posting experiences is that is draws in the paranoid players and invites bias and fallacy.
For example, there is a "rigged" thread on 2p2 with thousands upon thousands of posts, all just blatant paranoia and self pity about run bad (they call them rigtards). PokerStars is the most complained about site there (because they are by far the largest), and there's been zero evidence of an issue there.
That's not to say your Bovada theory is incorrect, it's just that this should be a more evidence based discussion than just experiences. Posting all of your hand histories would be a start (maybe upload into a file sharing site and link here), but you could also talk about specifically why you think it is rigged (post a few hands in here that you feel are evidence of it). Given that top players can run 100s of buyins below EV, it's most likely a short term bad run type thing or error of judgement.

Barrin's picture
Uploading all HH? That is not

Uploading all HH? That is not a start. It is the end. Lets put aside the fact that he would need a gigantic sample size in order to make sure, not only about the 'correct' card distribution, but also about the set ups. An analysis of riggedness or not, would simply be impossible, as long as we don't know EVERY hand from our opponents as well - otherwise how can we make sure if we experience less set up then our opponents do. And of course this would be just the beginning.


nariman44's picture
I had 3 solid sources on this

I had 3 solid sources on this matter. However, for some reason when I copy and paste the links here, it does not let me post it!
please google the following:
"bovada bad beat"
the first link is a complaint board on pocket five. See the number of people. Are all of them paranoid?
next google
"Bovada rigged"
open the 5th URL,from complaintsreviews.com, are all those people paranoid as well?
I have a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University. Talking based on rigorous reasons is our first task.
I am not emotional at all. All I am saying, it is statistically almost impossible to prove this.
you are all more than welcome to sharkscope me and see my results over 4300 games on Merge. (nariman4) and on revolution (nariman44). I am a 2-3 year winning player with almost zero serious downswing.
I mean it is impossible to be a long term winner on Bovada at least on HUSNG.

Barrin's picture
Regarding the first link:

Regarding the first link: http://www.pocketfives.com/f12/bovada-scam-superuser-tagging-open-door-collusion-bots-etc-656286/
So someone cracked AA with 94o. Big deal. Happens every day.
AA vs KK vs QQ vs AKo vs 22. 22 wins the hand. What is rigged about that? 22 has about 12.5% chance to win vs those hands. KK does have about 10.5% and AKo has about 2.5% chance to win. So, there could be much more unlikely outcomes.
Re: http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/bovada-poker-bovada-poker-is-so-rigged-c607013.html
Oh come on. It is a sample size issue.
You should not worry about sample size issues. And you should not matter about bad players sucking you out. The only reason why anyone can beat the rake is because there are worse players.
No argument about collusion beeing fact in (online-)poker. But then again, it is not a poker problem, but a problem of humans being greedy. "Collusion" is a daily part of every business that could earn someone money.


metonezajima's picture
This is pretty much funny. My

This is pretty much funny. My favorite from the links is dealing 5 hours cards to see what is probable or not :D How much is it?  150 hands?  Just get over fact that even very unlikely things just happen. Even having some certain equity in given sample of hands does not guarantee that the distribituion of you winning/ loosing will be somehow equal. All you know is that with bigger samples the results you get will be more likely close to acurate. Just open Pokesrtove a have a look at how many hands needs to be calculated to get stable results for AA x KK example.