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dogmeat's picture
Brand new hyper turbo software product out soon


Can you tell us something about the upcoming "brand new hyper turbo sottware product"?

What type of software will it be and when will it be released?


Regards, Jorgen.

dogmeat's picture


RyPac13's picture
Hi Jorgen, It will be three

Hi Jorgen,
It will be three products, free, value and premium for PokerTracker 4, and designed to compliment (but can stand alone too) CoffeeHUD.
We're waiting on some backend work that is out of our hands and then we can launch it. The last update I had was end of this month, but at this point if it goes into January it would not be a big surprise.

dogmeat's picture


dogmeat's picture
Hi! Do you have any more

Do you have any more information about when it will be realised?
Regards, Jorgen.

RyPac13's picture
Our latest update from PT4 is

Our latest update from PT4 is that we should be able to launch this in February. They're a bit behind on this, they are really busy (they've been doing some great things lately, but there's only so much time in the day). We're really excited and anxious to get launched here too.

dogmeat's picture
Ok, thanks. 

Ok, thanks.