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minotaurs's picture
c-bet or not to c-bet strong/weak hands/draws

I would like to know what are your thoughts about it. When its better not to c-bet rather than c betting with all kind of hands

nekrogovner's picture
Oh it depends on so many

Oh it depends on so many factors that you could write a book about it. To make long story short and to simplify it a bit, I think the easiest way to put it is that you do it for 2 distinct reasons: to exploit tendencies or to balance your range (i know i stole that quote from someone but not sure from who :D ).So basically vs weak opponents you wanna exploit them, so you either cbet a lot because they fold too many flops or you cbet very rarely because they are super stationy and you often throw away your money.Against stronger villains you really want to make them clueless about your holdings, so you sometimes cbet tptk, sometimes you delay cbet, sometimes you check your draws, sometimes cbet.I think thats a simple way to put it.