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longjohn's picture
Call or fold pre

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BTNBlaator845  BBHero2155  Effective Stacks: 21bb Blinds 20/40 Pre-Flop (60, 2 players) Hero is BB Blaator raises to 120, Hero calls 80This guy only raises 27%, the reason I'm unsure weather to call is becuase it feels like I'm going to be calling off a lot of my stack against some whos range I am quite behind. I think that it is a call but could anyone explain to me why?

nekrogovner's picture
If he opens only 27%, plus he

If he opens only 27%, plus he makes it 3x with his stack size, you can safely assume that he is a pretty terrible nit. Unless you are aware of his postflop tendencies, or for some reason you suspect that he has widened his opening range, I'd rather fold this hand.

chaosad's picture
I think its not an easy

I think its not an easy decsion. How did he plays postflop? If hes weak I would call it, but if hes agro in these spots I only call mr and fold to his 3x with an 21 bb stack.

longjohn's picture
He was only 3xing

Cheers NekroChaosadHe was only 3xing which is why I wasn't sureWhat what your guys calling range be against this guy then?

Nikiforos86's picture
this change to 3X is

this change to 3X is polarising for sure, but 9 8 suited plays well vs polarised range. I am folding a lot of KX and QX type hands that are dominated a lot, but calling with this hand

Nikiforos86's picture
Oh wait on second inspection

Oh wait on second inspection you said it's his standard sizing. This is still a call however as the hand plays pretty well OOP in my opinion but it is the bottom of my calling range for sure. Post flop tendencies do matter as well and can make it a fold, the weaker he is and the more fold equity our check raises have on the flop the better.

cip1974's picture
With 3x raise this hand is in

With 3x raise this hand is in the bottom of your calling range.It is not a mistake if you fold thereIf the raise was 2x this is a clear call.

longjohn's picture
This guy was pretty passive

Cheers guys, This guy was pretty passive so I guess it is a call but the bottom of my range