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Nossrep's picture
Can i get some opinions on these hands??

This is my first post here. Im pretty new in playing HU sng. So i would like to get some feedback on these hands. :-) Havent got so many notes on these two players. They seem pretty straight forward in the way they play. They probably see me as an aggro player. Not hyper psyko aggro. But i bet when i see weakness. Im still trying to find my leaks. Have alot, so be prepared for many hands in the future. :-) But here goes: Im playing 5-10$ husng$15/$30 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players • OnGame Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBdanyho2k$1090.00  BTNHero$1910.00  Effective Stacks: 36bb Pre-Flop ($45.00, 2 players) Hero is BTN Hero raises to $75.00, danyho2k calls $45.00 Flop ($150.00, 2 players) danyho2k checks, Hero bets $75.00, danyho2k calls $75.00 Turn ($300.00, 2 players) danyho2k checks, Hero bets $165.00, danyho2k calls $165.00 River ($630.00, 2 players) danyho2k bets $360.00 Hero??? What does villain hold to make that play on the river??   Here is another one. $10/$20 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players • OnGame Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero$2130.00  BTNhokkanen86$870.00  Effective Stacks: 44bb Pre-Flop ($30.00, 2 players) Hero is BB hokkanen86 calls $10.00, Hero checks Flop ($40.00, 2 players) Hero bets $40.00, hokkanen86 calls $40.00 Turn ($120.00, 2 players) Hero bets $80.00, hokkanen86 calls $80.00 River ($280.00, 2 players) Hero checks, hokkanen86 bets $125.00 Hero?? Should i barrel the river when i barrel the turn? I've seen him call with overcards before. Let me know what u guys think.  

RyPac13's picture
Hand 1 I would flat the

Hand 1 I would flat the river.  They can have many missed draws or big hands like straight/2 pairs too, but I would imagine the average lower stakes villain bluffs there a good % of the time.You do see the bottom pair, mid pairs, etc. sometimes here, don't be too surprised when he flips up something silly like 7x, it happens.Hand 2, did you mean villain calls flop/turn with overcards or were you kind of talking about that he might call the river with ace high?  If he's calling the river with ace high any decent amount of the time, I would definitely value bet.  Otherwise, protect vs turn or rivered stronger pairs (particularly latter) and give him a chance to bluff many missed draws, the average opponent probably folds weaker pairs a good % of the time you bet anyways, so against the average opponent I would check call the river.

Nossrep's picture
Hello again

Hand 1. Have some notes on Dany2ho2k:  Slowplay trips untill river, slowplay big hands with intent to trap, not really seen bluffing. This is ofcourse over a few games, so i dont know how much it matters. But obv. its in my mind. I actually end up folding the river with AT.  Hand 2. Hokkanen i have seen call flop and turn with overcards before, and than lead out on river when he hits. I called and he showed KJo. 

RyPac13's picture
I don't hate a fold in hand 1

I don't hate a fold in hand 1 if you have a few games worth of that kind of action from the opponent (really not bluffing nor calling super speculative hands in these spots, slowplaying 2 pairs or trips or straights on draw heavy boards).  Without that information though, I call.Hand two I would still call.  Even if you've seen him float the flop with overs before, you need more than that to fold the river, otherwise you'll be wrong way too often and end up folding the best hand vs many villains.

Nossrep's picture
Cool.. Thanks for the

Cool.. Thanks for the replies. I will throw up some more hands in the near future. :-)

outs_on_the_moon's picture
Hand 1 I like your fold,

Hand 1 I like your fold, especially since this is lower stakes; calling 2 streets oop with a draw and then donking into the agressor on the river as a bluf is a very particular line that in my experience very few players have in their repetoire at these stakes.Hands that you beat that could be in his range are A8/A6 but then you have to assume he's kinda stationy on the turn. I think he simply too often has a A5/a7/a9 or Aj+ of he's stationy. I simply dont see very many likely draws he'd be playing like that.Hand 2: I think there's more value in check/calling than betting river; Betting just makes him fold any missed draws and possibly even 5x/2x hands, so there's hardly any hands to gain value from by betting. I'd say just give him an opportunity to bluf with missed draws by checking.