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errorpoker's picture
Can someone explain my HTHUSNG graph to me?

This is my graph for 860 HTHUSNGs on PokerStars. What is this huge spike in my C Net Adjusted graph in PT4, I don't recall anything that I would have putten my money in bad so many times in row. Am I just running good or what is this. Thanks in advance :)

cdon3822's picture
There's no huge spike in your graph?

There's no huge spike in your graph?

You're running at about EV over a small sample.



Barrin's picture
It means that you are running

It means that you are running over EV...which means that you get paid more than you should. Even if you would run exactly on your EV, you still would have an outstanding gain (between 4 to 5% ROI).
The question; "am I playing correctly?" cannot be answered while looking on a graph. All it states is how lucky you are once the cards are flipped over.
