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longjohn's picture
c/f against passive villain?

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero1530  BTNtraesz1470  Effective Stacks: 37bb Blinds 20/40 Pre-Flop (60, 2 players) Hero is BB traesz raises to 80, Hero calls 40 Flop (160, 2 players) Hero checks, traesz checks Turn (160, 2 players) Hero bets 120, traesz calls 120 River (400, 2 players) Hero bets 240, traesz calls 240 Final Pot: 880I bet here because I didn't know what to do. I haven't got any reads on what he is checking back here he is quite a passive player, so I would guess a large part of his range is Ax he could have some Qx some 3x and pocket pairs lower then a Q in his range looking at it now I would think the best play here is c/f?

RyPac13's picture
If he's not out of line, as

If he's not out of line, as many passives are not, then I like your check fold plan, there's just too much Ax and too little Qx/low PPs in the average passive player's range to make a river bet best.If he open folds some weaker Qx that makes even less potential value available to you.

longjohn's picture
Yeah I agree, thanks.

Yeah I agree, thanks.