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PHISH4CHIPS's picture
Chadders Hyper Turbo Vid pack

Hi All,

Considering purchasing the Chadders Pack, Just wondering if this will be suitable for a micro stakes player who is looking to improve there Hyper Turbo game and what stakes would this series teach the viewer to beat, plus are these videos still relevant for the hyper turbo games today??




RyPac13's picture
Hi, it is most suitable for

Hi, it is most suitable for small to mid stakes players.
The videos are still relevant today.
It is difficult to say how far you can get from the videos, as there have been guys using the videos up to the highest stakes played in hypers, as well as guys that buy and never play again. The main key there is that it depends on each viewer's study habits. Videos, strategy, etc. is very good to help you grow, but your own effort is most important.
Let me know if you have any other questions.