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longjohn's picture
Chadders hyper turbo vs 3 months subscription

Hey GuysI'm gonna have enough money in the next month or so to get either the hyper turbo package or a subscription to husng, I am a winning small stakes player currently playing $15 turbos, and was wondering which will be more EV to me in the short term from someone who has both? I want to get both eventually but atm it has to be one or the otherMuch appreciatedLongjohn

Barrin's picture
Hey Longjohn   I had

Hey Longjohn I had both:- the standard membership- chadders package One thing is for sure: you can get a lot out of both. For someone who wants so chose *one* of those option I see chadders package ahead. Why?:--> It is a "build up". You have one Coach, explaining his style completely trough. For a 'beginner' it can be very hard to pick out the best of each video from the standard membership, since they are created by a lots of different coaches. Therefore it should improve you further if you 'work' (watching is for entertainment purposes only...buy a dvd...) chadders package trough. In my opinion the package of Chadder is to uncredited. I do not get why. Maybe it was the price, but I doubt it. Maybe it was because mers ebook was published shortly after, but even this would not make a lot of sense. Maybe it is just because noone wants to strengthen his opponent. I do not know. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to ask them, I will answer them as good as I can.


longjohn's picture
Thanks a lot Barring

Thanks a lot BarringVery helpful answerSo you would still say chadders even though I am playing turbos rather than super turbos though?

Barrin's picture
If you wanna learn how to

If you wanna learn how to play the super turbos I recommend Chadders package. If you wanna learn about the turbos I would recommend the standard subscription.


longjohn's picture
I want to carry on playing turbos

I want to carry on playing turbos but I was thinking that the super turbos package would benefit my end game a lot, maybe makin it more +EV than the subscription?

Barrin's picture
I doubt that chadders package

I doubt that chadders package is the best way to go, if you wanna play the turbos. Practically every hyper turbo video in der standard subscription shows you the 'endgame' (if you want to say so).I switched from hyper turbos to turbos about a month ago and yes, some things I could use in turbo, but i really had to change my mindset. In my opinion the package kinda "drills" you to think like a hyper turbo player (which makes perfect sense). But a hyper turbo and a turbo player do not mandatory act the same in the <25BB game. You just have more time. You do not have, mandatory, have to take the same wagers.


longjohn's picture
ok thanks a lot man

ok thanks a lot man I'll get the subscription :D