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hiromasa's picture
Charte dealing with hand ranges ?


I start playing turbo (regular) husng 5$ and I would like to know where I  can find a charte dealing with the hand ranges you can play  25bb+ 20bb+ 15bb+ 10bb+  Ip and oop. Or what you guys play in general.

And the same with open shove or 3bet shove at these depth. (Although I know it is vilain depend).



hiromasa's picture
I've found this charte which

I've found this charte which is pretty useful for a beginner.

I've lost several battles, but I've decided to keep on fighting.

RyPac13's picture
I don't love going with 60%

I don't love going with 60% vs loose and/or aggressive opponents, I think it's too weak.
90% is fine vs tight opponents, I'd even go 100% in a lot of situations. For one, a player can be super loose preflop, but very weak postflop, and it can make sense to raise nearly every hand.
I don't like charts or generic strategy for any situation except readless strategy, and readless is only the first 2-10 hands in any given structure. So you really should only work on memorizing a specific range for 25bb if you play hyper, or 50/75bb if you play a different structure. It's rare that you're 15bb deep vs someone you know nothing about, or 35bb deep vs an unknown, etc. What you should learn is how different hands go up and down in value, their strengths and weaknesses as the stack sizes and opponent characteristics change. That will allow you to formulate a great strategy no matter what stack depth you're at.

hiromasa's picture
I totally agree with

I totally agree with you.
poker is about adaptation, especially in hu. But although i know it is vilain dependant, I was lookin for some (free) background to begin with. Like slansky's opening range in cg/mtt.
Take the word "boat" for instance , it can have several definitions depending on the person using it or the context. but we still have dictionnaries.
Yeah... i was looking for some kind of (free) dictionnary. And I quite found it.
And again I totally agree with you: adaptation , adaptation...

I've lost several battles, but I've decided to keep on fighting.

hiromasa's picture
hey! I've found the free

hey! I've found the free video forum ! cool!

I've lost several battles, but I've decided to keep on fighting.