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longjohn's picture
checked back flop the raised turn

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero1874  BTNshakar841126  Effective Stacks: 38bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is BB shakar84 raises to 60, Hero calls 30 Flop (120, 2 players) Hero checks, shakar84 checks Turn (120, 2 players) Hero bets 60, shakar84 raises to 161, Hero calls 101 River (442, 2 players) Hero bets 180, shakar84 raises to 666, Hero folds Final Pot: 1288 shakar84 wins 1288 ( won +401 ) Hero lost -401I have seen the villain check down 23 on 8T8,7,Q board so I had no idea what sort of range I should give him here I think he has a wide range for doing it. On the turn I again had no idea what range to give him I didn't know whether he was doing this with a nutted hand  or air I have seen quite a few players before do this with mid and bottom pair when they are getting frustrated so I didn't know what to think. and on the river I thouht it was a really bad card so I thought it would be better to bet/fold and get a call from any weird plays he might have made on the turn then either check/fold to a range that is in my mind very wide or c/c n this card.Should I be calling the raise on the turn and what do you think of my play on the river?

Nossrep's picture
Fold preflop..

I just fold preflop. I want to play a better range oop. As you says, you make mit a guessing game. What is your oop stat? As played i check/fold river. It takes a really solid read to make a call here imo.

nekrogovner's picture
Call pre is fine. Calling

Call pre is fine. Calling turn seems fine too, because he can do this with bunch of draws, as well as some made hands. River is actually interesting spot. If you check it, you may induce bluff from an aggressive villain, but you really wont know where you are at. But if you lead he would be insane to raise marginal hands to any decent size, sure, if very aggro he might raise with Kx as well as with twopairs, flushes and straights, but won't bluff much. If he jams though, he will have way more bluffs in his range, and I would consider calling down if he was seen as capable of getting out of line with air and weak hands.

Nossrep's picture
Well, i guess a call pre

Is not that terrible. But we will have to be good postflop players, not to loose many chips in the long rung, by playing these hands oop. If we have to play T8, i prefer it to be suited. I just dont think we hit the flop that good, often enough to make it a profitable play. I much rather 3bet it if we are going to play T8. On that board i woudnt call down. We only have a bluffcather. So many hands that beat us. Even alot of 8s.

Byzantine's picture
I think folding pre is

I think folding pre is probably better, but I don't think a call is that bad. I'd lead out turn for 80 opposed to 60, not a huge issue though. I definitely call his raise on the turn. My reasoning is that you're probably beat at this point, but you have 5 outs to improve and you're getting a really good price. Also I think he can be spazzing out here with air a non negligible amount of the time. I C/F pretty much every river I don't improve unless he gives you an amazing price, or you have a good read.I really don't think most villains are raising this turn with a weaker made hand, so I don't think a bet on the river is sutiable in this situation.

HU.TIME's picture
I think folding pre is a

I think folding pre is a mistake 38bb deep. The hand plays well postflop, its a minraise and additionally we have seen him checking 32 down on T887Q! He is probably passive/weak postflop and its a bad play to fold a hand as strong as T8o.Flop and turn play look fine, I have no idea what you want to accomplish on the river. Are you turning your hand into a bluff? Its not likely that he has Kx after his flop c/b and we are ahead of all other 1pair hands (why would he raise Tx on the turn?).He is probably not folding potential 2pairs to your smallish bet and if he was bluffing the turn, you only make him fold all of his bluffs that you are beating anyway. He isnt going to bluff the river very often if he missed and c/f sounds reasonable. With specific reads on him, we could c/c the river and just use our hand as the bluffcatcher it actually is.Donk/fold river is bad in my opinion.

Nossrep's picture
I dont agree that T8o is a strong hand oop.

Like i said, if we are going to play T8o oop, id much rather 3bet it.When we call pre and check flop, we cant have the K. And when we bet the turn and gets reraised and we just call, than villain can exclude air form our range. So we must have at least an 8, that we're probably not gonna fold on the river. So if you ask me, the river raise looks like a valueraise to me.C/F river is the best option imo.