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movingonup87's picture
Coffee Lite HUD & PT4 set up

So, I'm ready to purchase PT4+standard membership video package, but I'm wondering if I need to download Coffee Lite HUD first in order to obtain a hardware ID? Furthermore, when downloading the HUD, will I choose the 'open with' tab and browse for PT4 or will I 'save as'?

Sorry, I'm new to all this, so a step by step on getting PT4 and the Coffee Lite HUD set up would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

metonezajima's picture
U dont need any hardware ID

U dont need any hardware ID for CoffeeHUD lite, its free HUD. CoffeeHUD the full version is where U need a hardware ID. 

metonezajima's picture
sry didnt read the whole

sry didnt read the whole question, download the HUD. Then open PT4 and import the HUD in to PT4, its on the very top, HUD, HUD profiles, options, import HUD profile.  Than go to HUD, HUD options, Find coffeHUD lite, set up table to 2 players, setup limit if you want to and set up which site the PT4 should use the specific HUD on. Than ad this option and you should see it below in other options ( example: CoffeeHUD lite, pokerstars, 2 players) . Hope this is enough info for succesfull setup :)