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Tuco_Y_81's picture
Coffee or Hyper Sonic HUD


I have seen an another HUD option on a different heads up site. It called Hyper Sonic HUD. I have no connection to the site or whatever. I'm just interested in opinions from anybody in the know. It obviously doesn't have everything that the CoffeeHUD offers but the on screen charts are a nice addition and the price is very reasonable. 

Pros and cons? 


Again I'm not trying to advertise a product that will take from anybody on this site. Just curious.

RyPac13's picture
It's a fine HUD I believe. If

It's a fine HUD I believe.

If you want the best HUD, it would be CoffeeHUD (also most expensive), if you want the cheapest it would be CoffeeHUD Lite (free, but most limited). Sonic HUD would be in the middle.