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fnikitin's picture
Coffeecalcs hand detailed result confusion with 'SB SHOVE SB CALLS ... Probability' delta value

I've recently acquired coffeecalcs + coffeeyay math pack and I was making the math for 3bs 12bb deep
against a sb vilain that follows a rofl range strategy.
I was especially interested to understand why EV shove for K4o is positive on coffeecalcs whereas
K5o is negative !

In coffeecalcs I entered the ranges and in the suggested shoving range I've selected K4o to open a popup
and choose "Detailed Result" report.

In this report, I am interested in the line "SB SHOVE SB CALLS ... Probability: 51.23%(-1.00%)"

It more or less seems to represent the part of the raising range of villain that call the 3bs.
I was expected a fixed value for each hands of the range such as 21.12%/40.42% = 52.25%.
Instead each hand detailed result comes with a different probability/modifier.

Can you explain me what is this modifier representing (-1.00% in the K4o example) and how you compute it ?


YurkoPurko's picture
Hi Fred,this is could be an

Hi Fred,

This is could be an answer to your question about why K4o>K5o: http://www.husng.com/content/coffeecalcs-all-math-you-ever-need-husngs#comment-42489. Can't see your whole ranges, but I can suggest that in your setup K5o is dominated by Villain's calling range much 'harder' then K4o and as a result K4o has positive value at the time when K5o has negative.

And about this line, "SB SHOVE SB CALLS ... Probability: 51.23%(-1.00%)". You are right about 52.25%, but only in the case when we are talking about whole ranges. But when we are talking about single hand it means that we hold that hand and the cards from the our hand can't exist in the Villain's calling range. In this way we block some part of the Villain's calling range and this is why you see 51.23% instead of 52.50%. The number in the brackets just shows us how much our holding effects villains calling range comparing to the average number (how much it blocks Villain's range). In your example modifier equals -1.00% and it means that if you hold K4o it blocks Villain's range 1.00% more then on average (you see -1.00% because Villain's calling range becomes 1.00% smaller). This is because Villain's calling range contains hands with K or 4 that are blocked by your holding.

Hope I was clear enough.


fnikitin's picture
Hi Igor, Thank you really

Hi Igor,

Thank you really much for your explanation, it makes really sense now !

To the developer of coffeecalcs: it's a shame they're is now tooltip that explain this feature, anyway your app is a bomb !

