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parch0n's picture
CoffeeHud NoteCaddy NOT WORKING!

I've lost a whole day trying to run this thing, but with no success. NC itselfs runs ok and with the built-in definitions it process my db with around 100 hps. When I import the CoffeeHud definitions it drops to 0.2 hps. Clearly, the problem is in the HUD coaching pack. I have the latest versions of HEM2 and NC and my DB is fully optimized. My PC is pretty strong too, so thats not the problem. Anyone else had that problem before? Is anyone actually using Notecaddy CoffeeHUD, cause in the internet there are barely any posts about it. Here is the error log:


2013.10.19 13:11:00:9319 NoteProcessor_handReady exception: Thread was being aborted.
   at NoteCaddy.Business.NoteProcessor.NCjyTs1arA(Object , HandReadyEventArgs )
2013.10.19 13:11:00:9389 NoteProcessor_handReady exception: Thread was being aborted.
   at NoteCaddy.Business.NoteProcessor.NCjyTs1arA(Object , HandReadyEventArgs )
2013.10.19 13:11:00:9489 NoteProcessor_handReady exception: Thread was being aborted.
   at NoteCaddy.Business.NoteProcessor.NCjyTs1arA(Object , HandReadyEventArgs )
2013.10.19 13:11:01:0280 NoteProcessor_handReady exception: Thread was being aborted.
   at NoteCaddy.Business.NoteProcessor.NCjyTs1arA(Object , HandReadyEventArgs )
2013.10.19 13:11:35:9019 NoteProcessor_handReady exception: Thread was being aborted.
   at NoteCaddy.Business.NoteProcessor.NCjyTs1arA(Object , HandReadyEventArgs )
2013.10.19 13:11:35:9159 NoteProcessor_handReady exception: Thread was being aborted.
   at NoteCaddy.Business.NoteProcessor.NCjyTs1arA(Object , HandReadyEventArgs )
2013.10.19 13:11:35:9359 NoteProcessor_handReady exception: Thread was being aborted.
   at NoteCaddy.Business.NoteProcessor.NCjyTs1arA(Object , HandReadyEventArgs )
2013.10.19 13:11:35:9560 NoteProcessor_handReady exception: Thread was being aborted.
   at NoteCaddy.Business.NoteProcessor.NCjyTs1arA(Object , HandReadyEventArgs )
2013.10.19 13:11:36:0030 NoteProcessor_handReady exception: Thread was being aborted.
   at NoteCaddy.Business.NoteProcessor.NCjyTs1arA(Object , HandReadyEventArgs )
dayanstyle's picture
Ok, I'll contact you and

Ok, I'll contact you and we'll take a look at your problem.

RyPac13's picture
Notecaddy CoffeeHUD is pretty

Notecaddy CoffeeHUD is pretty new (last two months), but this is the first time I've heard of this issue out of the double digits worth of users that have purchased the HUD.
Dayan can help see if anything is wrong with the HUD itself, but this may be an issue for HEM2 or Notecaddy support.