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pokker85's picture
CoffeeHUD stats

Hello, Can someone explain me few stats. English is not my first language so sometimes its hard to understand everything when watching videos.

Here are the stats:

SB: FCBvR&B, DELAY, FvCB(3B), RvCB(3B), FvPROBE, ...&B,  



Maybe someone knows is here or somewhere a good topic where all the sats are discussed? :)


Barrin's picture


coffeeyay's picture
FCBvR&B = Fold after cbetting

FCBvR&B = Fold after cbetting versus a Raise and Barrel. On the flop this stat is how often the player folds to a check raise, on the turn it's how often they fold to a turn bet after they call a check raise.

DELAY = delay cbet. This is how often the player bets the turn after checking the flop and getting checked to on the turn.

FvCB(3B) = fold versus cbet in a 3b pot. How often the player folds on the flop versus a flop (or turn or river) lead after flatting a 3b preflop (for turn and river stats it's after flatting a 3b then flop cbet and turn cbet).

RvCB(3B) = raise versus cbet in a 3b pot. How often the player raises the flop versus a cbet (see above for what a cbet is specifically defined as) in a 3b preflop.

FvPROBE = fold versus probe bet. A probe bet is when out of position player leads a street after the other player checked instead of cbetting. So the turn version of this stat is how often the IP player folds to a turn bet after checking back the flop instead of cbetting. The river stat is how often the fold to a river lead after cbetting flop but then checking turn instead of cbetting.

...&B = fold to the barrel after flatting a probe. So this is how often they fold to a river bet after flatting a turn probe bet.

FLCBvR&B = fold after cbetting versus a raise and barrel in a limped pot. This is the same stat as FCBvR&B but in limped pots, again flop is fold to a check raise and turn is fold to turn bet after flatting flop.

FvLD&B = fold versus limp donk & barrel. Flop stat is how often they fold to an oop lead on the flop in a limped pot. Turn and river stat is how often they fold to the barrels on turn or river after flatting a flop lead.

LD&B = Limp donk & barrel. Flop stat is is how often they lead oop on the flop in a limped pot, turn and river stats are how often they bet turn (or river) after leading flop (or leading flop then betting turn) in a limped pot.

ISO CB = Isolation cbet. Flop stat is is how often they bet the flop after raising a limp preflop and getting flatted. Turn and river are how often they continue barreling after getting called on flop (or flop and turn for river stat).

Hope that is clear and helps!


pokker85's picture
Thanks :)

Thanks :)