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vertek's picture
Cog vs. Potstabber: 2 Questions

Hey guys,New to the forums and trying to learn hu sng's.  I have two questions: 1) With a villain that stabs ~80% in limped pots, why are we raising when we have mid/bottom pair?  I'd think it would be better to flat these, raise good mid pairs and better for value, and semi-bluff with two overs, flush draws, straight draws, gutshots, etc so we have some equity if called.  It seems like we're turning out mid/bottom pairs into bluffs if we raise...Cog does this routinely in the video so I'd love to hear the logic behind it... 2) This is a pretty general question but how are you deciding when to limp vs. when to open OTB?  If villain is really stationy pre and fit/fold post, I'd raise a ton of hands because open + cbet is gonna be super profitable.  If he's really stationy pre and post, I'd raise more for value and limp with non-value hands so I can outplay him post.  Is this roughly right?  I see Cog going straight to limping with all but like the top 5% so my thought process must be different... Thanks for the help,Vertek

cog dissonance's picture
1) The problem with calling

1) The problem with calling low and middle pairs is that your holding is too vulnerable. You're encouraging your opponent to fire the turn and perhaps river and that can put you in spots where it's impossible to judge the best action. As a general rule, if people stab too much I raise them too much and see how they cope with it.2) If your opp is loose then raising inflates the pot for no good reason. You have no fold equity with your raises. Therefore I'd rather raise purely for value. Against tight opps I agree raising pre is good, but I save those raises for later in the match when they are worth more.

Skype/AIM- cogdissonance1