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beatmeupaa's picture
Collin Moshman: Basic-Aggressive Style

Hi Folks,

in his book about HU Poker Collin Moshman introduces a "Basic-Aggressive Style" where he says that minraising every hand from the button and minbetting on each street unless we face a raise would be a solid strategy.

I cannot really believe that you could ever play according to this and actually be a winning player. Does anyone tried to play this style and had some success?

xSCWx's picture
I think that this is more

I think that this is more of a matter of if it would be optimal rather than if it could be profitable. I have no idea if someone could make money doing this, but it definitely isn't going to be optimal.

jacksalive's picture
I was a member of Stoxpoker

I was a member of Stoxpoker for quite a while and I remember watching a video Collin  had done using what he called negraneu strategy (as a sort of experiment) which you min raise preflop then min bet every street, and fold to raises with weak hands and reraise with strong hands, I tried this strategy out myself for a few games and its very exploitable.

RyPac13's picture
I feel like it's the type

I feel like it's the type of strategy that might work fine for some players, but those players are already very skilled postflop players that would be better served making more variable and complex adjustments.

A lot of newer players get themselves into trouble when they try new "system" strategies like that and don't know how to readjust to an opponent that is exploiting them.

The best "system" for a beginner is the basic aggressive positional strategy that we particularly advocate in our lower stakes and fundamental videos.  From there you can learn how to adjust and readjust, but the main thing is that you have a very solid default strategy that is not regularly exploited to start from.