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raine72's picture
computer help thinking about going to mac

I was wondering if anyone who has one or had one would be willing to chime in. I am leaning this way do to the resolution and the battery life. My question is the following.

Is battery life still good running windows?

Does coffee calcs still work as good when running windows?

Do you have preference of 13 over 15?

I need l

eldooder's picture
I was reading a tech magazine

I was reading a tech magazine which said Macs run windows better then any other windows machine. I've got a macbook pro and it's really snappy with the solid state hard drive. The battery life does indeed seem to run down faster on windows though. The Mac OS is optimised more effiicently imo, so battery life lasts longer. By the way any software which runs on a windows machine will run on a bootcamp version of windows on a mac.

raine72's picture
Thanks for the input how long

Thanks for the input how long does your battery last when you run bootcamp with windows. I see it says 9 hours just curious if I should expect that to be cut in half or much better?

eldooder's picture
Not sure exactly as haven't

Not sure exactly as haven't timed, but if i was to estimate i'd say 5 maybe 6 hours.

4 card brett's picture
if its battery life u are

if its battery life u are most concerned about get a

Lenovo ThinkPad X240

it has benchmarked at 20 hours 28 mins battery life if u upgrade to the 6 cell battery but it has low res


according to this article
