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longjohn's picture
Couple of hands from donk better

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BTNHero1625  BBjuratan1375  Effective Stacks: 46bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is BTN Hero raises to 90, juratan calls 60 Flop (180, 2 players) juratan bets 90, Hero calls 90 Turn (360, 2 players) juratan bets 180, Hero calls 180 River (720, 2 players) juratan bets 300, Hero calls 300 This is the first time I have seen the villain lead he was playing relativly fit or fold before this. He is a very bad loosing player. I had no idea what his range is here I wasn't sure if he was sick of being cbet all the time and having to fold, so was bluffing, or if he for some reason decided to bet for value or with a draw. I floated the flop because I had some equity, a gutshot, bdfd and overcard I also thought that if this was a bluff he would be c/f the turn quite often.What do you think what would you guess at for a range here or can you really not do that without any reads on his donking range?would you call the hand down or should I have played it diffrently?

longjohn's picture
2nd hand

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BTNHero965  BBjuratan2035  Effective Stacks: 24bb Blinds 20/40 Pre-Flop (60, 2 players) Hero is BTN Hero raises to 80, juratan calls 40 Flop (160, 2 players) juratan bets 80, Hero calls 80 Turn (320, 2 players) juratan bets 120, Hero calls 120 River (560, 2 players) juratan bets 80, Hero calls 80 Final Pot: 720In the last hand the villain had J7o so had donked the river w/ double gutshot and then bet weak when hit draw.Knowing that would you ever raise this flop with my hand this was a few hands after the previous hand, or is raising too marginal? would you just call it down like I did?

Melcoool's picture
in my opinion here with

in my opinion here with pocket tens a small raise on the flop it will bet good because you can take the pot control and at the same time make the draws pay a little  more and if u are uncertain of your hand strength the hands that could bluff you on the turn will slow down a lot