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Creating pokergroup @Skype

I'm about to create a new and fresh skyperoom for all us peps with interest within poker. The room will generally be used to discuss HH, general strategy, though spots and how to maximise the $EV. 

Is there any interest among you all to join the pack of pokerwolfs? 
Write a short summary of yourself and your poker history if You want to join.
Also message or write your skypename to get added. 


Myself: My name is Viktor, 20, Sweden. Law-student who found poker mid spring. Started buying vidpacks, watching pro poker, reading books, slaguhter 2+2/HUSNG-forums for information and then started playing on various sites. Currently in Norway working over summer, and focusing a lot on poker while I'm here. At the moment grinding the 7-15$ stakes at P-star with a ROI on 7.59. Working on finding strats to raise that to over 10 ROI. 

Sincerely Lawboyy