So it's early in our first match against this guy in a 200 regspeed, but it's apparent he might not know what he's doing. We open 9d8c OTB and get a 578ddd flop. We turn trips with the 8h. We bet 1/2 pot on both the flop and turn.
Why don't we bet bigger? We haven't established a standard cbet size yet, villain might not be paying attention anyway, there's tons of value on such a drawy board, and our hand is pretty vulnerable.
By the way, I enjoy the reg speed vids. It seems like the slow structure gives coaches much better opportunities to develop reads and discuss exploitative strategies.
i guess the world may never know
I sent him a PM with a link to this thread. If he doesn't answer it is because he didn't see it.
thanks ryan
Sorry it took me so long to answer your question. In the early going in a match, my goal isn't to bloat pots with marginal hands (I would consider 89dd to be marginal as I would not be thrilled to get a ton of chips in on this flop). We have flopped a pretty good but not great hand..what would be our goal by betting huge? If we get raised, getting it in isn't optimal and I'd much rather play solid pot controlled poker against an opponent I'll probably have a big edge against.
I will try to make an even amount of regular speeds/turbos. Even though most people play turbos more often, I think that there are alot more deeper stacked concepts that can be taught through the regular speeds. For future reference, if I don't see a thread of don't respond on here in a timely fashion, email me and it will certainly speed up the process. Hope this helped.
Hi Jon,
Thanks for your response.
That makes sense. However, it still seems like we're missing a lot of value only going half-pot. Especially on the turn, we're almost certainly ahead, but we're not necessarily far ahead and we figure to get called by plenty of worse hands. Against a loose-passive who isn't going to outplay us w/o the goods, I think we can very safely b/f multiple streets w/ top pair type hands on drawy boards for max value.
Anyway, as long as we're betting, I'm not convinced that we're actually gaining very much in terms of pot control. If villain were to raise us on either the flop or turn and then bet the rest of the streets, he could easily get stacks in.