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Croix_14. good spot for go & go?

croix_14 at 6:30. stack is 1,000 at 25/50 in BB with Ad8d. Opponent limps SB. It's a very interesting hand as played but I was wondering if I could play that spot profitably in a easier fashon.

Pre flop shove is profitable but most likely you just get the 100 in the middle. I put this in StoxEV as a go & go and had villian calling flop shove with any decent draw or a pair at least middle and calling pre flop bet with stronger portion of limping range. With these assumptions ( and a reasonably wide limping range that doesn't include strong hands) then making a bet (bigger is better) & shoving the flop is more profitable than shoving pre. So I guess I pretty much set it up so that a go & go would be profitable but the assumptions seem reasonable because if opponent doesn't call pe flop it's the same as if you shove pre flop & if he raises pre flop no problem just shove and if he does flat call pre flop it's most likely with a hand that is behind with little implied odds.

So is this a good spot to make it 4 or 5 bb pre flop & shove any flop?