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tiltmoarufish's picture
Current situation on husngs

Hi guys, just wanted to know whats the current situation with husng. What i mean is, are they still soft compared to 2009-2010 ?Did the ROIs drop a lot ?Still very profitable ?thanks

RyPac13's picture
Hard to tell for the non high

Hard to tell for the non high stakes without data, but seems like more guys are making more money today than ever before, even with black friday (it seemed to be rising until black friday, maybe stagnant now).Games were of course even softer in 2006, but people made more money in HUSNGs in 2008 than 2006, and in 2010 than 2008, etc. I believe (despite some really negative external factors that have hurt other games, such as playerbases from France and Italy being roped off from the rest of the world and USA players not being able to play on the major world leading sites).Future profitibility will probably line up well with popularity in this game. It does seem to be quite a resistant game to the usual negative external factors, and well setup to remain a healthy ecosystem for years to come.**One thing I always think about is the poker room's influence on the health of a game. I think of hu cash as an example of the failures of poker rooms to spread a sustainable game type in a specific online environment, but HUSNGs seem more similar to MTTs in popularity and longevity, as well as the organic regulating of game selection (the more good players are playing and less bad players, the less game selection can occur in husngs, so it naturally regulates the ecosystem to an extent, unlike hu cash systems where rooms have allowed players to sit at tables for years and wait for terrible players to sit down before they play... never been a fan of that system).

tiltmoarufish's picture
sick answer thank you ry

sick answer thank you ry