Hyper turbo reg currrr14 debuts his video-making skills with a hand review at $100 hypers against an opponent on whom he has a deep collection of data. In addition to covering tactics such as barrelling and representing hands, currrr14 takes advantage of the opportunity to work with the numbers he has on this opponent and demonstrates how he uses the various tools available to him: in this video, he makes extensive use of the CoffeeHUD, shows how to calculate additional statistics from the data in this premium PokerTracker HUD, explains how to leverage this data in the ICMIZER program, and also works with the Flopzilla program.
Could watch this all day long.
Currr14 more of this please.
GL + Run Well.
Go forth and CRUSH !
Awesome! Make more of this videos, please!
I like the attitude and the way you analyze the ranges but(!) your analysis on the turn and river is skewed since you didn't lock the flop cbetting range and turn cbetting range in flopzilla. So on the river you're still analyzing his whole preflop opening range.
Wow, that was really good! GG currrr14 :) Knew those programs, but I use CREV vs ICMIZER, and didn't use the Flopzilla that well :) Liked your range building, and the analyse of the stats, and informations. But shouldn't you blurr out Pdoge's nick? Also isn't a huge -EV for you to show his stats probably also to him by this vid? Hope you're gonna make many more vids for husng.com, quality material!
It was more for him than anything else. It ended up being quite a hassle to block it all out. Yea I made a mistake there with Flopzilla sorry about that..
Thanks guys!
Hi Holdenper,
We were planning to block both names from this video, but as you can see in the HUD popups, that would probably require over 150 different individual name blocks (the name pops up every time the HUD is hovered over) that would take 4-5 hours to do for a 15 minute video.
Currrr or I could've decided to simply work on a different video and never release this, but in practice the actual posting of your game vs someone else has historically been helpful. I won't ever argue this to a coach to try to convince them to post something against a specific player, as I don't want to be thought of as responsible if they end up losing money ever to that player and feel it was from the video, but historically, many more coaches have told me that xyz has been playing them more and/or playing far worse after doing a video against that player, than people have told me a player has beaten them after. It hasn't even been close either.
The only time actually where I've ever been told that a player might've exploited one of our coaches was when one of our coaches was in a HU MTT years ago, and the player they faced towards the end of the HU MTT had told them after the match that they had watched some of his vids on HUSNG.com prior to that round of the HU MTT. Now, we don't know if the coach was exploited by that, it was a single match and for all we know the coach went from having a 52% edge to a 53% edge, who really knows. But that's the only report I've ever had of that happening.
Conversely, I've had many reports of guys getting some awesome action thanks to what they've shown in vids. Not just from opponents in their videos, but from fans (especially lower stakes fans wanting to move up to play a few games with the videomaker). I can attest to this personally, it happened tons to me years ago, and recently (last year or so) some HS guys that did vids also reported that to me and they were pleasantly surprised with that little side benefit.
4-5 hours of editing? :D
Why dont take the easiest way, its done in 2 secs. Replayer -> Options -> Mask Player Names
Oh, sorry, I meant once the coach had made the video, in order to block the names it requires a lot of individual blocks to be made, over 150, and that takes a few hours.
You're right, the coach can block far easier in this case at the point of recording, but I don't think he realized/thought about it prior to recording.
Where did you get your Coffeehud? I have different stack depth level groupings.
I'm also confused about your 3-bet to 90 calculation at 6:00 min. I think it should be 70/130 = 0,54 or 54% ?
"If you want to win, you must not lose!"
Yes you are correct about my nai 3b calculation. It should be 70/130, those numbers didn't seem right to me at the time should have realized that.
I put in a lot of time to customize my hud. :)
Actually I like that it wasn't blurred out, know both players by their screennames, so it was more interesting this way. Just asked out of curiosity, because I think I only saw videos where they blurred out nicks. Do you plan to make a vidpack currrr?
It would be pretty sick I think, but pls don't do that. It could help weaker regs too much
Not at the moment. :)
Haha, holdenper you're far too paranoid! Weaker regs are often weaker for reasons that don't change just because there is new good material to watch. Guys that are too lazy to watch full videos, too unfocused to pay attention when watching, too egotistical to ask questions, too overconfident to consider new ideas... these guys aren't changing their games due to some good vids unless they change themselves first.
Lol well said.
Most players, like most people you encounter in business and life have too many preconceptions to be objectively self aware enough to challenge the foundations upon which their existing schema is built.
Most people seek validation of their existing beliefs rather than to continually challenge them.
Don't be that guy and you will find a large edge in both poker and life.
I really like the contents of this vid, could you pull your lazy a.. together and produce some more quality vids soon?? :)