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slinkie's picture
Dealing with losses

Hi all,I am relatively new to HUSNGs and am doing ok so far. One of the things I am having difficulty with is dealing with losing, I hate losing!I understand that losing is part of the game with HUSNGs and that a successful player may expect to lose 40% of their games but i still find it difficult to take.The worst beats are those against terrible villains who play really badly but manage to make sets out of thier bottom pairs on the river or make flushes and straights when then odds are stacked against them.When i lose to these type of opponents I instantly hit rematch to prove that I can win against them and end up spewing with fancy play syndrome and not playing my A game.What philosophies and practices do you do to deal with and accept loses when playing HUSNGs.Thanks all!PS. Fingers crossed all this idiocy with the banning on Poker is resolved in the US sooner rather than later!

ThePower's picture
Hi, I willl give you my 2

Hi, I willl give you my 2 cents:1) If you really start playing bad against fish after they suckout just do NOT rematch otherwise just replay them 1 match and if they suckout again then just find another player and put your pride aside. Even fish can run extremely hot2) Always remember that on the long run YOU will be the winner NOT the fish who 4b shoved you preflop with 32s and made his straight flush on the flop against your AA. 3) If chat puts you on tilt just turn it off4) Have a session stoploss (I use 10 BI's). If your SL is reached that quit a least for an hour and come back later5) Be honest with yourself. Just quit if you made x times a bad or tilt play and come back later when you have cooled down. I use 3 for x6) Don't be shortterm oriented. You can run like s--t for 500 games eventhough you played well but you can run also like god for 1000 games. Playing your A game when you run bad is key on the long run. Because that way you will save yourself a lot of BI's on the longterm. 7) Volume is also important. If you can play your A game just keep playing and fight through variance8) You hate losing, we all do. Accept that a 20/30 BI downswings can and will happen to you. Even the very best HU players do have big downswings.Like I said just my 2 cent. All the best at the tables    

JEFLUNA's picture
ThePower thx for your good advice.

THX for your good comment. I have/had the same problem.I hope it will help a little bit.good luck at the tables

Katipo's picture
It would also help to play

It would also help to play higher skill formats like regular and deepstacked HUSNGs instead of turbos or superturbos. They'll offer a higher ROI and you'll thus win more consistently. While it won't solve the tilt problem, it should lessen its severity since negative variance will be reduced when your winrate is higher.

Boulases's picture
ThePower make a nice post

ThePower make a nice post ...  I just want add my 2 cents here  4) Have a session stoploss (I use 10 BI's). If your SL is reached that quit a least for an hour and come back later Just stop when you tilt !!when are you tilt ?when you make a move and after make this move you think thas (wtf i just do !! this is bullshit i should have .. )  Sometime , i can be up 5 buy-in but be tilt Sometime , i can be down 10 buy-in and not be tilt Just take a break , i like look fail blog or something funny ...