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maheentillman's picture
deleted spam

deleted spam, user banned

filthy.lucre's picture
Nice spam!

Wow, nice spam for something that isn't even related to poker, much less husng's. I know this is the off-topic forum, but I'm not sure ads are allowed.

RyPac13's picture
Thanks for the post here, the

Thanks for the post here, the user was likely a spambot or some hired micro wage worker that mass spams sites.
95% of the spam is targeted towards this forum. Most of that is picked up by several of our automatic spam modules, but some do get through and we have to manually delete them. I left this one up and blocked the user, edited the post and changed the URL, just to reply to your comment here.

Barrin's picture
Maybe it was not even spam,

Maybe it was not even spam, and you just did not want to share the >3'000 bucks?
Was it just spam or like really bad stuff? I am asking because I saw this thread while being on work and decided not to click any tinyurl links in the office. :>


RyPac13's picture
I make sure to try out every

I make sure to try out every single spam offer that comes on this site, just in case one of them is real.
This one was real, so I made $3,000. But I'm down about $500k on the year in spam offers, most of them are scams, though I think I might be just running bad.

Webmaster222's picture
Hey Ryan, I think you need a

Hey Ryan,
I think you need a coach. I am willing to coach you in Hi-Stakes spam at $500/hr.
Can you send me any spam histories that you have and I can see if you are a spam fish or are just encountering sick variance?

Barrin's picture
Damn.....sounds like you

Damn.....sounds like you would live the dream!
If you are interesting in it...i have some great Roulette and Black Jack strategies on hold, that i would gladly share with you!
