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jacket882's picture
Difference between FTP reg and turbos?

So I played a few games on regular speed and although I feel I am getting the hang of things, I much prefer the turbo structure - games go by faster and its more enjoyable for me so I can concentrate better + i can play more per hourI know rypac suggests to play the regular speeds while learning so I was wondering what the main adjustments are that I should be doing when playing turbos? I know I will be playing the turbos eventually when I get to the $30-50 levels so I might as well play the $6.25 instead of the reg $5.25.Would I be hurting my progress if I continue learning on the turbos? Won't this be useful since I would have to transition to turbos anyway eventually? My bankroll is fine for the $6.25 turbos I have around $250Also could anyone please tell me what a good ROI at these small stakes is for turbos and regulars? Thanks!

ITRIED2WARNU's picture
Hey jacket, I think a good

Hey jacket, I think a good ROI to shoot for would be anything at 7% +, that should be a good goal but 5% or higher is fine as well.Also, I play almost exclusively turbos on FTP so you may enjoy watching my vids here.  If there is something I can help with, let me know.


My Coaching Page

jacket882's picture
tnx for the

tnx for the replyunfortunately all yr vids are on the premium content and there are only 4 standard vids all reg speed :( but thanks anyway i'll see if I can find some other turbo vids from the other coaches

RyPac13's picture
Fydor should have some FTP

Fydor should have some FTP turbo videos in the standard section, as well as PrimordialAA.  Check for both of those instructors.I would certainly not limit yourself to FTP turbo videos, but I can see why you would like to start there.I wouldn't automatically say you should not play turbos.  I just think that generally speaking, most newer or struggling players see success more quickly in the regular speeds.  That may come at a slight expense to having to learn some more skills down the line as you transition into turbo speeds, but in reality you should be developing all of your poker skills along the way and not neglecting things like end game, even in a regular speed structure (especially on FTP where the regular speed games play very similar to Stars turbo speed games).Watch Mersenneary's end game video in the standard membership as well, it should be totally relevant to turbo speed games on full tilt, particularly end game situations that will come up quite often on average.

Roamus's picture
turbo is less rake btw, and

turbo is less rake btw, and if its possible to make alots of money in SUPER turbo, you can have a very nice edge in those turbo games ;) I hate regular games cause its so long and boring in my opinion, I only like regular for 4man shoutouts/a serious match agaisnt a friend/tournement. Yah like ITRIED2WARNU said 7%+ is nice. A nice thing in poker is that, every game is usefull, you can learn how to play shortstack playing super turbo so when you get shortstack in other heads up its going to be usefull, etc etc. If you get real good in heads up and finaly came to play sng9max, your going to see everythings different. Sorry for my english, I apologize! Hope you understand!

Katipo's picture
Weird, I find turbo games

I find turbo games comparatively boring because playing deeper gives me so many more options and allows me to develop more reads. Although I suppose most good players will go for the turbos due to higher hourly and lower waiting time.