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hejhopp's picture
Difference between PT3 graphs and HEM graphs?

I have a question whats the difference between PT3 graphs and HEM graphs.I got concerned because i feel like i play well and like i used to but all of the sudden my ev graph stopped moving up in HEM, but when i tried in PT3 it looks completly different.Heres the graphs (sorry i dont know if its just on my screen they are to big but ill post the link aswell)HEM http://i40.tinypic.com/qnvclk.jpg PT3 http://i41.tinypic.com/2ilnapz.jpg 

STP1923's picture

As you can see, in HEM the graph is on BI and Games.In PT te graph is on Chips and Hands.that's  the difference. 

Barrin's picture
Also, they are not useing the

Also, they are not useing the same colours for the graphs. Amount won for both is (dark)green.But in HEM the AI-EV Line is red and in PT is is 'yellow'.I think the blue line in HEM is rakeback, but not sure.And then ofc the stuff STP mentioned.
