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IKCIWASH's picture
Differences between the 100$ SNG and the 200$, and some other random questions.

How big is the difference between these 2 steps?

How many buy ins to recommend to shot the 200$s turbo and no turbo?

By the way, I am new to the SNG HU world, I am a head's up cash game player, but the game getting harder I want to be able to win some $$ at HU SNG too.

I have a 9% ROi over 350 SNG, how big my sample need to be to know if I am a winning player at this stake?


niceiq25's picture
can some of the regs here

can some of the regs here answer this question....I am struggling to get to 200 level as well and I would really like to hear some oppinions....thanx a lot

Steffo's picture
2 months ago i moved up from

2 months ago i moved up from 110 turbo to 220.
90% of the regs dont sit me, so the difference isnt that much compared to 110$, because i´m often playing the same kind of opponent. Games take a bit longer to start (Full Tilt) and i had difficulties with the swings in the beginning. Losing more than 1K on a day happens often now which sometimes can affect my mood in a negative way. Other than that i really love this level, cause you still play vs many fish who are taking a shot and sometimes even against very good players like trader0811, A few weeks ago even livb112 sat me, probably because he waited a long time at the higher levels.

Regarding the bankroll im very carefully, as poker is my second income and i have plans to nebver reload a single dollar again. If i have less than 100 buy ins im not feeling comfortable. That doesnt mean i dont take shots if i see a bad player @ 550 or something.

edit: so i think if most of the regs avoid you and your BR is big enough, then you should have no big troubles to take the step from 110 to 220. Im only talking bout the turbo games, but i guess reg speed will bei similar to that.