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Nossrep's picture
Do i call ro loose?

Im trying to find my leaks im my game. Im not winning, but not loosing big. Im down about 420$ over 390 games. So its mainly the rake thats making me a loosing player.But it would be nice beat the game so i can come out with a plus. :-) So im trying to find my leaks. Im not perfectly sure on my leaks, but i have an idea. One of them is that i might be calling to loose on dangerous boards. So i have some hands that i would like to get som feed back on.Im not a winnig player at the 10$ HUSNG. I win one, and loose one in average. Im down about 440 $ in 390 games. So its mainly rake im loosing on. Also my EV graph shows that ive lost about 150 $ more than i should have. Dont know if thats of any inportance. Its my first time playing these guys, so i dont have any notes on them. Hand 1. BTNnostradamys$1035.00  BBHero$1965.00  Effective Stacks: 35bb Pre-Flop ($45.00, 2 players) Hero is BB nostradamys calls $15.00, Hero checks    Flop ($60.00, 2 players) Hero bets $30.00, nostradamys calls $30.00    Turn ($120.00, 2 players) Hero bets $90.00, nostradamys calls $90.00    River ($300.00, 2 players) Hero bets $195.00, nostradamys goes all-in $885.00, Hero calls $690.00    Final Pot: $2070.00 nostradamys shows STRAIGHT KING nostradamys wins $2070.00 ( won +$1035.00 ) Hero lost -$1035.00What say you?? Hand 2  BBKapt.Samson$1180.00  BTNHero$1820.00  Effective Stacks: 39bb Pre-Flop ($45.00, 2 players) Hero is BTN Hero raises to $75.00, Kapt.Samson calls $45.00    Flop ($150.00, 2 players) Kapt.Samson bets $150.00, Hero raises to $375.00, Kapt.Samson calls $225.00    Turn ($900.00, 2 players) Kapt.Samson goes all-in $730.00, Hero calls $730.00    River ($2360.00, 2 players, 1 all-in)    Final Pot: $2360.00 Kapt.Samson shows TWO_PAIR NINE, FIVE Hero shows PAIR ACE Kapt.Samson wins $2360.00 ( won +$1180.00 ) Hero lost -$1180.00 Is this just a standard call?? Hand 3  BBKapt.Samson$2390.00  BTNHero$610.00  Effective Stacks: 20bb Pre-Flop ($45.00, 2 players) Hero is BTN Hero calls $15.00, Kapt.Samson checks   Flop ($60.00, 2 players) Kapt.Samson checks, Hero checks   Turn ($60.00, 2 players) Kapt.Samson checks, Hero bets $60.00, Kapt.Samson calls $60.00   River ($180.00, 2 players) Kapt.Samson goes all-in $2300.00, Hero goes all-in $520.00   Final Pot: $3000.00 Kapt.Samson shows THREE_OF_A_KIND FOUR Kapt.Samson wins $3000.00 ( won +$610.00 ) Hero lost -$610.00 Just hit with everything.... 

JackTheShipper's picture
I will comment on all three

I will comment on all three your hands, and i will number em 1) for hand 1 etc so its easy for you to read .I'm assuming you are readless in all spots as you said in op.1) While being readless i think it is far better to check the flop with the intention of raising it then betting 30 there.As played its pretty close in this hand, but i would fold to his river raise, he makes it almost 4.5x your bet, and i think it looks insanely strong, hes never bluffing here, and the only thing u beat is worse 2 pair, but its a too small part of his range to make your call on the river good.So i fold and feel pretty happy about it.2) I like that u have raised the flop but i might make it a little bit bigger even 400-450 seems about right. And your turn call is definately the right thing to do (calling) just unlucky here, so this hand was not a mistake on your part really just unfortunate, but gg.3) This hand you have played perfectly except for the fact that on the river you MUST fold, thinking he checked the flop he doesnt have an A most likely is not enough, when he plays like this it is almost never a bluff and its very likely he has a 4. Hence i think folding river is best. So to answer your question in hand 1 and 3 u called too loose yes. :) Hope that helps you a little bit GL

outs_on_the_moon's picture
Yeah, your definitely calling

Yeah, your definitely calling to loose imo.Hand 1: There is hardly any hand that i could reasonably put in villains hand that your beating here; 7j occasionally, but most of the time your just beat & i'd foldHand 2: Just a cooler; I'd also like raising the flop biggerHand 3: Not sure if i like giving  free card on the flop, but calling his river over-shove-donk is kinda spewy; think about it; what hands do you see him calling a turn pot bet with, that hes overshoving on the river that you still have beat?