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Jman69's picture
Do you need a membership to use the advanced search?

On the: Heads Up Poker Video Planning Guide, page there are instructions on using the advanced search feature to find videos. For some reason I do not see the advanced link. Took a screen shot to show, the the link isn't there: http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/2346/searchfh.pngAnyway I just wanted to know how many Super Turbo videos are available to standard members?

RyPac13's picture
I believe it should be

I believe it should be available to everybody, but I guess it's never been brought up so it is possible that it is restricted.

That would be an oversight on our part, there's no reason to restrict that search to members only that I am aware of.

Try to clear your cookies and cache and then login to the site again and see if it is there. Hit search without entering anything into the box too and see if it pops up then.

Please do update this thread, if it really cannot be seen by non members that are logged in, we will likely be fixing that.

Jman69's picture
I deleted cache and cookies

I deleted cache and cookies and I still couldn't see it using Firefox. I tried with the browser Safari and Internet Explorer and neither of those worked. I'm planning to join anyway though, just waiting for funds uploaded to Paypal to hit my account. 

RyPac13's picture
I've added this to the list

I've added this to the list for the webmaster to look into.  This thread will be updated when we have new information.Let me know if you have any other questions, glad to hear you're signing up, welcome to the community!

Neurism's picture
I wasn't able to use advanced

I wasn't able to use advanced search until I became a member.

Jess "Neurism" Farmer