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Newff's picture
Donk Bettors

After having an 18% ROI over 250 games (not a big sample) at the $10.50 Reg Speeds I moved to the $21's and even though they are basically the same it seems almost everyone I play now call really light OOP and are really aggressive donk bettors. I tried asking this in the beginners thread 2 times but it never gets answered so I guess I'll try here.

When you know forsure that your opponent is calling preflop light and will be donk betting a lot, how do you adjust..a lot of times I find myself still opening a wide range from the button hoping to acually hit a hand so they can hang themselves but we don't hit a hand very often so I'm basically getting destroyed now. I find myself 3x'ing and having to give up a lot on the flop..and when I do hit a hand it's hard to get value from it.

So, against players like this should I be tightening my button opening range a lot? for example folding K5, T8, 57, etc..basically hands that don't really play well post flop? and stick to suited connectors, pocket pairs, Ax, and broadway cards?

Thanks, hopefully someone can help.

mangansie's picture
Some ideas

My initial suggestions would be to tighten your preflop ranges somewhat to the hands you've suggested, pocket pairs, broadways, Ax and broadway cards, and to limp them instead of raising.

By raising the marginal hands it sounds like you're building a pot with a marginal hand and having to give it up too often on the flop when you don't hit. If instead you limp and keep the pot small it becomes much easier to decide how to proceed once they donk the flop.

Secondly, if they're donking close to 100% then you could consider 3-betting them light post flop to keep them in line once in a while. I would also be 3-betting my stronger hands postflop sometimes to keep them guessing if they saw me do it light previously. Sure sometimes they might have a hand but it might slow them down if you do this once in a while and allow you to control the pot better.

Just my two cents - hope this helps!


Radeh's picture
I like making a stand early

I like making a stand early in the game when it's still cheap to raise his donkbet. Show him that you will not allow him to constantly donkbet.

It's important you chose the right boards though, and that you make the raise a good size. For example, on dry boards like K72, very very few villains will donk with Kx...so raise him 3.5x and laugh if he calls with his 7x hand.

If you make a stand a few times, they'll tone it down after a while.

Another strategy is to switch to minraising preflop...loooooooove minraising, so many benefits :)


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