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Simargl's picture
Donk overbet shove

Same villain as in previous handBBVPIP 54% 3-bet 8%, we have aggressive dynamic. I never expect him to flat with this stacks, 3-bet is low (not filtered 12 to 22 bb-s though but still on the lower side) so i open ATC.He flats and than donk shoves, i think he is on a draw here always, never T or 9. With one or two overs flush draw and gutshot i'm getting just right price.Do you call here, and what do you think about his line?No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBPlayer11750  BTNHero2250  Effective Stacks: 18bb Blinds 50/100 Pre-Flop (150, 2 players) Hero is BTN Hero raises to 200, Player1 calls 100   Flop (400, 2 players)   Player1 raises to 1,550, Hero? 

nekrogovner's picture
If he is any good he would

If he is any good he would shove here both made hands and combo draws, because you know he can have very wide range here, from stuff like JQ, KJ, J8 with some spade draws, as well as stuff like Tx, 9x, etc etc. But I'd actually put him on more draws because he donked you rather then check/raise. Folding, I think too many bad turns and rivers will beat us if we are not beat already.

happyham's picture
If you have an aggressive

If you have an aggressive dynamic, then I would fold 94 pre. It sounds like you're saying you open ATC because he won't 3 bet you very often.  Is the 54% VPIP his % from the BB or total?  If hes folding to more than 50% of your BTN raises, then its fine.  If not, then I think 94s is a little too weak.As played, I would fold.  I see a lot of people donk shove here with any 6,9 or Tx as well as the hands you mentioned.  It sounds crazy, and frankly thats because it is.  I do see it a lot though.  Its like they panic because of stack sizes/blind level and just shove their pairs.With that in mind, I think your kicker is too weak to call.  If you had J9+, I would call. 

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