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Stilobate's picture
Downswing Hyper Turbo

Hi everyone,

A few days ago I started playing €1 Hyper Turbo HU on Pokerstars.it, but it was a disaster!

After 300 games, i'm losing 45 BI and I'm afraid of going broke. My bankroll was 100x but now I'm thinking about loading other 100x.

These 300 games were played at its best, in the show down I was always in win-win situations.

I lost tens and tens of 70/30 60/40 and flip situation. AMAZING! Is it normal?

The question is 45 BI down swing is normal? 100/150x bankroll it is enough for hyper turbo?

This is my stat:

Sorry for my bad English.

Thank you.

pocaja's picture
I'll tell you thr truth about

I'll tell you thr truth about heads up hypers on pokerstars.it:
With a 7% rake those games are not beatable you would need a 54% winrate only for beating the rake and beeing breakeven.
So if you re interested in hypers move to a .eu skin and play games with a 2% rake.
Good luck

Barrin's picture
What makes you believe that

What makes you believe that you are currently in a downswing? Looking at the graph, you could be a loseing player as well.
Oh and to play pokerstars.EU is illegal for those that are limited to pokerstars.it
Pokerstars.EU is not the skin for members of the EU but the primary skin for german players (pokerstars.de is a playmoney skin that made lots of commercials and therefore could not be changed to a pay-skin). Pokerstars.EU does share the playerpool with pokerstars.COM but also Austrian, Canadian etc. pp are allowed to register on pokerstars.EU


kgbking's picture
Hypers have huge variance!

Im on a massive downswing myself..
Check this out:

Around 100 bis down.. :(

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
without posting your EV-line

without posting your EV-line as well, it´s impossible to say if you run bad or play bad.
we also tend to be biased towards our results and only see when we lose as a favourite, but don´t like to acknoledge when we ourselves play bad and are lucky enough to suck out. you should get yourself a tracker and check your results. it also seems a very biased statement that you played your games the best way possible. it may be, but maybe not. from that graph alone, one can´t tell.
yet swingwise your graph looks pretty normal. playing hypers, it can go the other way just as fast as well. (funny, how noone ever posts a thread, saying "guys, i am on a massive upswing! 100 BI above EV, although i only play mediocre poker, wow!!! is this normal???")
well, hypers are probably the best way to getting used to variance. it´s also better to be able to deal with variance if you already gained some confidence in your own play. since you play the lowest possible stake, you didn´t have the chance to build up any confidence, i suppose, so you´ll have to be twice as patient unfortunately (at least that´s how i experienced it)
and don´t worry about the money. just hang in there, improve your game, and you will beat the micros. almost everyone blows their first roll.
what kind of BR you need depends highly on your ROI (which can only be an educated guess), your comfort zone and your willingness to step down, if you cross a certain threshold. it´s not set in stone.
cheers and keep it up.

Stilobate's picture
Thank you all for your

Thank you all for your replies.

I will post soon my ev graph of the next games.


dadou76's picture
up and down.

As far as I know, 45 BI down swings can happens in Hyper-turbo. I am not an expert but I started about a week ago and played around 900 games, I already experienced what we might call an upswing and a downswing. Playing HUSNG hyper-turbo at $ 3.50, I had a 10% ROI after around 600 games for a net profit of $ 180. My C Net adjusted 100$. I think I was on a heater. But then, I lost $ 100 in like 300 games. My C net adjusted is still positive with $ 1.90. For that period.
So I searched in forums for some information on the variance. It seems that all very good players have experienced a like 50BI downswing. It seems not rare. It s not due to bad play or tilt, but just the variance of the game, I believe.
So keep going if you enjoy the game

TTLH's picture
Hi, There are downswings as

Hi,There are downswings as well as upswings too. I recently had a crazy run over about 200 games. The graph looks unreal, but it happens. I also had it the other way round too. Below is my run at hyper turbo heads up @ 15s. http://tinypic.com/r/t6v494/5 Regards,