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raine72's picture
end game coaches

I was curious if anyone knew of a coach that could recomend for end game.  I feel like I am the one taking advantage of people deep however most of my oponets seem to be taking advantage of my end game, by 3 betting the shit out of me but have been unable to adapt. I am only a standard member so maybe the answear is premium membership, rather than 100 dollar plus coaching.Games currently being played at 30 dollar hypers on merge.

RyPac13's picture
The premium membership could

The premium membership could definitely be the answer.Mersenneary's videos often take place at the end game type stack sizes and he covers a wide range of end game concepts and ways to approach decisions in that area of the game.Besides Mers, some of Hokie's recent premium videos have focused on end game related material as well. There are also xSCWx videos with end game concepts, and some guest videos (Melanie Weisner with ShortSharpShock and xSCWx with SkaiWalkurrr for example).I would start there, it's a lower price than 2 hours of coaching with a good coach and you'll have a ton of very well regarded material to look at.