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olionion's picture
-ev bluff?

How bad/transparent was this line please, no need to pull any punches.  I obviously need to learn, if you were in the villains seat would you have called, i dont think i could have?  Maybe a smaller bet would have been more sensible but i thought it might be harder for him to call if it looked like i was pot committed.  I guess i should have just checked folded it down.

Seat 1: penthouse0187 (1,815)
Seat 2: Olionion (1,185)
Olionion posts the small blind of 30
penthouse0187 posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Olionion [6d 9c]
Olionion raises to 120
penthouse0187 calls 60
*** FLOP *** [5s 4c 8d]
penthouse0187 checks
Olionion bets 180
penthouse0187 calls 180
*** TURN *** [5s 4c 8d] [Th]
penthouse0187 checks
Olionion checks
*** RIVER *** [5s 4c 8d Th] [Ac]
penthouse0187 checks
Olionion has 15 seconds left to act
Olionion bets 420
penthouse0187 has 15 seconds left to act
penthouse0187 calls 420
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Olionion shows [6d 9c] Ace Ten high
penthouse0187 shows [4h 6h] a pair of Fours
penthouse0187 wins the pot (1,440) with a pair of Fours
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1,440 | Rake 0
Board: [5s 4c 8d Th Ac]
Seat 1: penthouse0187 (big blind) showed [4h 6h] and won (1,440) with a pair of Fours
Seat 2: Olionion (small blind) showed [6d 9c] and lost with Ace Ten high
RyPac13's picture
Don't bluff a calling

Don't bluff a calling station!

Don't try to figure out why they did it necessarily, people do crazy shit all the time (like open shove with 9 hi in the middle of a game).  You don't need to know why they do it, just understand that they do it and work on a counter strategy to profit from what they do.

A better bluff in this situation would be to bet the turn as well as the river.  The two overcards and two additional bets scare off all but the biggest stations from their weak pairs here.

You don't have to bluff either, nor c-bet (if you're playing a very loose, semi aggro player you can probably check back this flop to be honest).

mrspiky's picture
I think that your line smell

I think that your line smell of bluff.

Why would you bet almost the full pot with a real hand?

If you cbet very often I can't blame the guy for floating you with a pair, then you check the turn and overbet the river.

At lower stakes in my opinion you would be better off doing this with a real hand, making people think that you are bluffing.

It is like a horse but with shorter legs and bigger ears...(and  we all love it!)

jackoneill's picture
What worries me most in this

What worries me most in this hand is that this guy calls your 3x open @ 30/60 and then check/calls this low-card flop.

This board really doesn't hit a decent player's oop calling range at these blinds and stack sizes against a 3x open - and a good player won't just check/call here either.

I mean, what's he really repping here by playing like this ?  I'd put him on either some kind of a draw or a weak made hand with a 7 in it.

But then - like Ryan already said, don't bluff a callingstation !

And besides, you're not really repping anything either - except for a bluff.

TCA's picture
I think his call is fine, I

I think his call is fine, I hardly think you can call someone a station when you think about the hand logically. 

You basically aren't repping anything, especially when you consider that many players will check back A high in your spot, obv i don't know your history but its a decent generalisation. 
I doubt you are ever betting thinner than an A for value the way the board rolled out. 

So you pretty much have A+ or air and given you don't have the A often and your minraising range preflop is prob superwide, you have air a huge % of the time, much more than the 42% he needs to show a profit. 

olionion's picture
 Thanks for all the

 Thanks for all the responses folks, i should have just waited a few hands and looked for some value instead of spew bluffing.