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space4rent's picture
$ EV calcualtor

holdem manager is giving some very wierd calcualtions giving me 0.00 $EV for some tournies and sometimes random negatives is cEV a better way to figure out how well a player is doing?

TNixon's picture

HEM already uses chip EV in its calculations. It just converts the chips to a $ amount based on the buyin.

This can lead to things such as having more EV than the actual buyin, where HEM saying you "should" have won $40 in a $20 husng for example.

Also, it only calculates anything at all on all-ins. So if your opponent calls two bets putting half his chips in before the river, gets there on the river, and gets the rest in there, I don't believe the fact that you put half your stack in with the best hand is taken into account at all.

kensungrind's picture
Hem related question Ive

Hem related question

Ive just played a guy that went all in ALL hands of our 2 games.. he obviously won both (since i can never beat people doing this bs)

question is: what exact call range do we call with here to maximize ev?