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BOMBA78's picture
EV line

Somehow I struggling with this line. Everyone tells me that this line is more important than the profit line, I somehow understand this because of the high variance in super turbo hu but is the ev line really the only truth? or just a indicator?

Can anyone tell me more about these ev-line?

cdon3822's picture
This has been asked 6497

This has been asked 6497 times per year on average in the history of online poker forums.

It's just an indicator in the short term.

On my phone so cbf finding specific links so here's a starting point:


Dipl.Komp.'s picture
the EV line tends to get

the EV line tends to get overemphasized. if two GTO players play each other, the EV line is just an indicator of who is getting dealt better cards. in lower stakes against bad and mediocre players, the line is also to some degree indicative of skill (i.e.: are you getting it in good most of the time? are you mostly reaching the push/ fold phase as the chip leader?). that´s of course very general, but i think you´ll get the idea.


in the short run (and in poker the short run can last pretty long actually) your EV can go south although you are making all the right choices. there is no way around analyzing spots and finding out if your EV drops because of card distribution or because you play bad.




breaktwister's picture
I'm sure someone will correct

I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong on any of this but I will try a basic example to explain what the EV line represents.   Lets take a typical Hyper Turbo game with 500 chips each.   You put your opponent all in first hand with 22 v AK.  The EV line looks at the size of the pot and the probability of winning the pot at the time all the chips went in. 

In this example the pot is 1000 chips and you have 52% equity with 22.   You put 500 into the pot so your Expected Value is 520-500 = 20 chips.  Your opponents EV would be -20 chips.  

If you win the flip you will be 480 chips over EV, if you lose you will be 520 under EV.  

Imagine how this plays out over thousands of hands.  

If your profits are rising but your EV line is falling it means you are sucking out a lot or winning more than your share of coin flips.  If EV is rising and profits are falling then you are experiencing negative variance.

note that the EV line cannot take into account 'coolers' where you may have played correctly against a 'poor' opponent but got your chips in behind regardless e.g. you shove with AA on board of Q37r and villan calls with Q3o, that hand will lower your EV line as your a 3-1 dog when the chips went in.


janmoh's picture
ev line

i found this article that helped explain ev line



BOMBA78's picture
thx guys for your answers -

thx guys for your answers - helped me to understand EV-Line better

2 Questions left:

I grind someone down to 150 chips and than he goes all in with AK and I call with 33 (10 Euro game) will PT4 see this as a flip?

What is calculated when they are multiple all ins?