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sir_lanka's picture
Facing a donk

Do you think im spazzing here? I expect opponent to almost never have top pair here, some flush draws, a few straight draws and week pairs. I know that I don´t represent much, but I don´t think it matters against most donkfishes.No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$28.78+$1.22 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero1870  BBbaki291130  Effective Stacks: 38bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to 66, baki29 calls 36   Flop (132, 2 players) baki29 bets 60, Hero calls 60   Turn (252, 2 players) baki29 bets 60, Hero raises to 150, baki29 calls 90   River (552, 2 players) baki29 checks, Hero bets 375, baki29 folds   Final Pot: 927 Hero wins 927 ( won +276 ) baki29 lost -276 

OMG_IM_DRUNK's picture
sounds spewy with no equity

sounds spewy with no equity like here. I prefer raise flop with 9 high or fold.

batman's picture
I only play the micro stakes

I only play the micro stakes at the moment but in my experience a donk is from villain is likely 3x or 4x.  I almost always raise a donk on the flop to about the size of the pot and get folds a majority of the time. If called then I would most likely give up against an unknown.I think it's worth going through my DB and seeing what villain actually shows down in this situation...maybe my assumptions are wrong edit: I only have a small HH but when villain donks (and saw showdown) they flopped:-2nd/bottom pair - 14 times- OESD/flush draw - 3 times- TP+ - 12 timesAir/gut shot - 5 times. So it's almost even between weak and strong hands, but slightly weighted towards the weaker hands. I guess a CR on the flop in this situation would generally be the profitable move, depending on board texture (i.e. villain isn't folding 2nd pair on 245 flop).

JSpazz's picture
Why shouldn't he have top

Why shouldn't he have top pair? After he flats turn I think Qx is his most likely hand. I like raising flop much more than flatting and raising turn tho.

batman's picture
I posted a thread in the PT4

I posted a thread in the PT4 beta forums and one of the mods helped me out with a new stat that shows flop CR success to a donk. I'm only seccessful in getting folds about 1/3 of the time so I over estimated myself there and found a pretty big leak in the process.Have a look on the PT4 forums - https://www.pokertracker.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=58&t=40889 if you're using the PT4 beta.It should show the number of times you were donked into and raised and got a fold. Look at the types of boards you're most likely to get a fold on. I would but don't have time at the moment as it's late here and I have to be up early :/