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Factors for c-betting second pair type hands

What factors do you guys think are important to consider in deciding to c-bet or not a second pair type hand?Traditionally, I think I've been making this decision based on the kicker I hold with that second pair way too much, for instance on a K93 board I might c-bet J9 and check back 96. That decision follows the simplest thought process in assuming that, if an opponent will call you with any pair and only pairs, you'll be ahead or behind of his range depending on your kicker when you have second pair. It's not like I always play that way, but I think I do a lot of times, and it's pretty terrible isn't it? Appart from being disgusting in terms of balance and making you so easily readable, there's some other issues like giving up the inniciative.So I'd like to approach it in terms of what factors need to be considered:- Board texture: Remember I'm not talking about that specific hand example I brought up, just the general situation. So we should take into consideration whether our hand is likely to look better or worse on future streets depending on board texture, whether there's draws for villain to call us with, etc.- Villains check-raising frequency: If he does it a lot and plays well afterwards it might be better to check back more right? Unless he's a total monkey and you want to induce that check-raise.- How he plays turn and river when we check back. If he autobets both streets regardless of his hand it might be best to check and then call-call. If he's going to take the iniciative but with a tough, balanced range we should probably bet more often.- How light he calls the flop.What are your thoughts on this approach? what other factors do you think off? what other adjustments do you make based on those factors?