Do you check, bet or c/r dry flops OOP?
Do you check, bet or c/r draws OOP?
When do you under bet?
Do you bet or check showdown value?
Why do some players bet 4bb OOP against limpers, so that they dont 3-bet?
Is it worth to look players up at sharkscope at lower stakes, and if so, what do you look for? Do you take notes at lower stakes?
How do you handle minraisers? I think that their strategy works well on me because they get me to play more hands OOP, get cheap steals and the 3-bets against them are small.
How do you battle them?
How do you handle limpers? Hold the pots small OOP or 3-bet them a lot?
hey man, it's cool that you're asking a bunch of questions, but this post is sort of like "how do i play HUSNG?" which is impossible to answer in one paragraph (or a hundred). i'd suggest trying a bunch of different stuff and observe how your opponents respond to each thing. then you can take some notes on whatever they do, file it away, and try something else/the same thing next time. watching videos to see how the pros think about certain situations will also help a lot. as far as taking notes goes, note things that you think will be useful to you in terms of exploiting your opponent. missed vbs, terrible call downs, bad bluffs, etc.
Hi àthink some players bet 4bb oop becous they dont want to play oop but still have some kind of a hand
or that they think u r limping a lot.
i think the first 2 questions realy depends on your oponent. allthough i realy dont like donkbetting but if you oponent will never continue unless he hits i guess its ok.
i guess u can under bett if your are trapping a real agressive oponent and he will read it as weakness and 3 bett you. or are just trying to get some value that you think that your oponent will call with wery weak hands.
i think way to much people are minraising at lower stakes becous i think that the purpose of the minraise preflop is getting to play a lot of pots in pos and many players dont have the skill to do so, so i would try to just play your regular game and 3 bett and c bett and see how they respond. and dont be scared to play with them.
limpers are usually real passive so what i do is that i do not 3 bet them a lot and if u do so they will also start to limp there strong hands so with limpers i actualy just play fore value and am not trying do do any fancy moves on them.
I just recently started playing husng and theese are just some thougts i have bin thinking about.
and my expirience is wery limited in husng. but i still wanted to say what i am thinking.