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bubi's picture
First 10000 super turbos

So a few days ago I have played my 10000th super turbo on Full Tilt.Here is a graph of the results : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/842/10kst.png/A big thank you to Ryan for making this website, I would have never gotten into HUSNGs without it! Also thanks to Cog and Mers for their super turbo vids, as well as to all the other instructors, I have watched a ton of videos and learned a lot of things from everyone!

tmle09's picture
sick graph :)

sick graph :)

BustoFish's picture
congrats insane graph

congrats insane graph

Marzipannase's picture
yes very nice graph,

yes very nice graph, congratzespecially it looks like u had almost no problem with with wild swings due to variance. I have seen swingier regs speed graphs than yours.


Pro tuned's picture
man...you are on the line,

man...you are on the line, make the best you can do!

RyPac13's picture
Glad to hear of your

Glad to hear of your success!  Keep us updated as you keep on rolling, pretty killer graph.

coolcoolcool's picture
Sick! Congrats!

Sick! Congrats!

my5tyle's picture
How many did you multitable?

How many did you multitable?

Romo's picture
Nice Work !!

Nice Graph - nice work !

bubi's picture
Thanks everyone! It was

Thanks everyone!It was mostly 1 table sometimes 2. It was important for me to reduce swings as much as possible since I had to withdraw money regularly.

hotrock's picture
well done man great

well done man great results,would of been cool if you showed your all in ev too see how it all evened out over large sample.

genher's picture
nice work I think we have

nice workI think we have played a few times a while back

Kokac8's picture
From what level did you start

From what level did you start playing? how many matches did you played on each level?