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kruger32's picture
FL vs NL!

Will some HUSNG expert please tell all about the differences between FL and NL HUSNG including opening range, bluff frequency and other factors.Really looking forward to this.

RyPac13's picture
I'm no FL pro, but a few

I'm no FL pro, but a few things come to mind:- Semi bluffs aren't going to be as effective (can't apply as much pressure + don't win as much when you hit, somewhat negated by smaller sizes, but I would imagine in NL it's more effective to semi bluff in general).- Probably plays closer to short stack NL husng than deeper stack husng.- Preflop ranges are more important to be precise with, you can't make up for poor preflop play with superior postflop hand reading as easily.- Slow playing strong hands sounds like a great way to be bad at FL.

kruger32's picture
