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girex's picture
Flatting vs Reshoving 15-25 bb deep

Hi guys,i have problems in mid stages (25-50) stars turbo about what range of handsreshoving and what flatting OOP agaist a miniraise of a loose opponent.I reshove happy any PP and AT+ but what aboutfor example Ax, K9, KTs, 9Ts/o, 67s?Assuming villain is callingA - with a tight rangeB - with a not tight but not so wide range... Sorry for my bad english,girex91

RyPac13's picture
How often are they open

How often are they open raising?There are not going to be a ton of definitive answers to give without specific examples though. A few things that might help you for now...The tighter your opponent calls shoves and the wider they open, the more valuable fold equity is there when you shove, so shoving becomes a very attractive prospect.  A similarly favorable situation for flat calling occurs when you have many ways to win pots postflop (often with bluffing unbalanced opponent betting ranges, knowing when your opponent unlikely hit a flop, yet still cbets it a lot).You also have to think about how hands play postflop.  A3 plays a lot differently than T9. Another thing that really helps figure these situations out is to calculate the cEV of shoving over various open/call ranges at different stack sizes.  You can then compare the results to your stats (how you perform in similar situations when you call with various hands).  Videos such as Mersenneary's statistical analysis series are a good for figuring out how to decipher your stats.

mersenneary's picture
You really have to hone in on

You really have to hone in on exactly how often your opponent is minraising and exactly how many BB deep you are. That's the basis for the math that gives you your answer. I suggest playing around with the calculations and starting to get a feel for it.