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thepuminator's picture
flopped trips facing agression

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$33.00+$1.50 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero1860 SBtomper111140  Effective Stacks: 57bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is BB tomper11 raises to 60, Hero calls 40 Flop (120, 2 players) Hero checks, tomper11 bets 70, Hero raises to 200, tomper11 raises to 380, Hero?Its about the tenth hand of the match and villan has been agressive on almost all of them, I have probably matched his agreesion and taken away a few pots. He raised 4/5 btns so far and cbet all of them. I normally just flat on this flop but raising looks weaker and I was pretty sure he would jump on it. If I flat I might as well just tell him I have an A but if i raise then im folding out what im sure is a bluff. The only way I can see me getting paid is by jamming and hoping he calls with a pp and thinks im bluffing. Anyone see a flaw in my thinking?

MadZat's picture
I hate these spots especially

I hate these spots especially when the nut-minraise appears. I don't think he has an 8 or a pp because he would never ever minraise it at this point, he would rather jam. So its either air or he made you a dog. Definatly a tough spot but jamming is the worst option imo.

nicoasp's picture
I don't hate jamming, but you

I don't hate jamming, but you need to know that he really can have some of those hands in his range (pps or 8s), which isn't very clear imo, it just looks so unlikely he would 3bet any of those rather than flatting, but if you think he's spewy it makes sense. If those aren't on his range he's either got u crushed or he's bluffing, and shoving is bad in both of those cases.Other options would be a tank-call, trying to induce a shove on the turn (but this is a lot worse being OOP), or to just click it back again, preferrably pretty fast. It seems kind of retarded, but people are capable of the craziest stuff. Yesterday I had a guy 4bet-fold 2/3 of his stack on an AAQ flop.