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longjohn's picture
fold either the flop or the turn?

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero2050  BTNxartas2003950  Effective Stacks: 48bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is BB xartas2003 raises to 60, Hero raises to 160, xartas2003 calls 100 Flop (320, 2 players) Hero bets 180, xartas2003 raises to 400, Hero calls 220 Turn (1120, 2 players) Hero checks, xartas2003 bets 390, Hero calls 390The villain has been quite fit or fold and passive so far should I be folding straight on the flop or calling flop and reavaluating the turn?  I think I'm not in good shape very often when he jams the turn but I have good pot odds so should I be calling for any draws he might have? I don't have any reads on how he plays draws.

grrgrrbla's picture
firstoff: why did you 3xbet

firstoff: why did you 3xbet pre? any reads on his openinrange/ and calling range vs 3xbets? i don't know for others but without reads i would usually just flat 88 pre,flop-bet looks fine but i would raise vs a raise, because even against most draws you are flipping and you block many draw kombos like 89,j8,86, a8d, etc. so you will be looking ad good draws and mostly valuehands that crush you,as played you have to call the turn getting insane pot odds,

nekrogovner's picture
Your 3bet size is awful. If

Your 3bet size is awful. If you were trying to get called by villain your sizing is great. Ask yourself, what are you trying to accomplish? If he is opening too much and you want to punish him for that, you should 3bet bigger (220-240), and therefore hint him you are practically commited and that you will call off any 4bshoves. 88 wont play well on most flops, and bloating the pot pre with intention of playing the flop is pretty bad move.Flatting pre or bigger 3bet would be my options.Also, given the villains raise size on flop, don't you think its pointless to continue there if you don't intend to call off almost ANY turn card?

longjohn's picture
Thanks guys grrgrrbla I can't

Thanks guysgrrgrrblaI can't remember what he was opening now but I imagine he had a wide pfr rangenekroYeah your right in future I will make this larger. So are you saying I should always just fold the flop or that if I am calling the flop I should call the turn which one would you lean to without further reads?

nekrogovner's picture
Dont generalize too much.

Dont generalize too much. Given what I know about villain so far, I'd most likely flat pre, call flop and turn and reevaluate river. If he indeed is passive fit or fold, I'm most likely folding to any aggression on a bad river card (diamond, all overcards probably) and to funky river bet sizes.

Barewire's picture
You have one of the worst

You have one of the worst hands to call flop with since you block all his bluffs and have almost no equity against better hands, fold to the raise for sure. Also if you're going to 3bet pre I'd probably pot it instead of making it 160, I tend to flat personally though.

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longjohn's picture
So when would it be

So when would it be good too 3bet 88 when deep and when is it better to call?

Nikiforos86's picture
I like 4 betting 66-88 vs

I like 3 betting 66-88 vs villains that tend to 4bet or fold more than flat 3bets (there's not that many of these at lower stakes..) - it's a great 5bet jam vs those players 50-70 bb deep should that dynamic exist. I think it's better to call when villain is likely to flat our 3bet and the stack sizes mean we can't get it in comfortably on the flop should we have elected to 3bet. Post flop I am folding to flop raise with info provided for sure.

longjohn's picture
Yeah I see what you mean thanks Niki

Yeah I see what you mean thanks Niki