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Gusth's picture
Fold turn after we raise and villain 3bet

Villain is passive - bad. Like to minbetting with cards he want to go showdown (probably when he want see turn & river for draws too). I raise on turn to get value from draws + QX. And if he call i probably shove the river too. But when he 3bet the range i put him is very narrow. We can fold here?? with this pot odds.No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$3.29+$0.21 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBslam dunc 99765  SBHero2235  Effective Stacks: 19bb Blinds 20/40 Pre-Flop (60, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to 80, slam dunc 99 calls 40    Flop (160, 2 players) slam dunc 99 bets 40, Hero calls 40    Turn (240, 2 players) slam dunc 99 bets 80, Hero raises to 280, slam dunc 99 raises to 480, HERO ???    

Meano101's picture
I would fold the flop, even

I would fold the flop, even his draws have decent equity against us, and when he's got a pair we're a long way behind. As played I fold to his turn 3bet, when a passive player suddenly wakes up like this, it's very rarely a bluff or semibluff. 

mersenneary's picture
I'm fine with peeling against

I'm fine with peeling against a flop minbet. Given how short the stacks are, I'm probably sigh-calling it off after raising (which I do think is probably correct), because we do have OK equity against two pair type hands.

Meano101's picture
  'because we do have OK

 'because we do have OK equity against two pair type hands.' Text results appended to pokerstove.txt    1,980  games     0.238 secs     8,319  games/sec Board: Ts 4s Qh AhDead:    equity win tie      pots won pots tied Hand 0: 87.778%   86.41% 01.36%          1711       27.00   { AQs, ATs, A4s, QTs, Q4s, T4s, AQo, ATo, A4o, QTo, Q4o, T4o }Hand 1: 12.222%   10.86% 01.36%           215       27.00   { Ad2c }  ---erm... wat?