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ITRIED2WARNU's picture
Free Hour+ Long Leakfinder Video From ITRIED2WARNU

ITRIED2WARNU reviews 2p2 HUSNG forum member 'hungryguy' in the 2+2 HUSNG Championship.  The hero in the video is a $3.50 regular and several topics are discussed including bet sizing, c betting frequency, button raising, and a few spots where calling was more optimal than folding.

Webmaster222's picture
Welcome back. Where ya been?

Welcome back.Where ya been?

ITRIED2WARNU's picture
Re: IT2WU Leakfinder

Thanks triple 2!  Just haven't really been coaching much since Black Friday.  Sure do miss playing online on good sites and software though. Ahhhh the good ol' days.  Hope all is well man!


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Navonod's picture
Good coaching

I think the coach was extreemely nice when reviewing this match. Not what I would expect from a two plus two'er. The hero in this vid is clearly NOT "good at poker". But I also understand that we all have to start somewhere, and I'm glad that the person who made the vid gave honest constructive criticism rather than sort of poking fun and what not. Like 3 bet shoving AK vs a min raise in the first blind round seems kinda bad, and min raise 3 bet bluffs with like 84s is not the best thing to do either. Using a min raise as a check/raise bluff seems kinda bad on K76(two tone) as well.Over all it seems to me that the hero in the vid often has something like the right thought process and choses good lines/action but has NO concept of bet sizing. I think Hero could improve his win rate by maybe 20% INSTANTLY just by learning to size bets correctly. I hope some one addressed that with him/her.

ITRIED2WARNU's picture
Re: Navonod - Leakfinder from IT2WU

Thanks for the note Navonod.  I agree with you that hero does have a lot to learn but think this video will help him a ton, a long with what you mentioned and reiterated - as long as it is applied correctly.  When reviewing someone's play during coaching I just always try to remember how I started... Thinking that 3 pair was a hand and forgetting if a straight beat a flush or not :)  That has always been great for perspective, especially when coaching players at the lower stakes. 


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