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waldie191's picture
FREE Leakfinder by Waldie191

Hey guys!For those of you who have been watching our series called "Thinking Like a Winner: An Introductory Series," I had planned to do the 4th video about adjusting to opponents' tendencies.  However, I am planning on picking someone and doing a leakfinder for them for FREE and incorporate adjusting during the video.  I think it is best to have a new/different format for this video instead of powerpoint. This is mainly for those who are following along with the series, but if you haven't seen them that's ok you can watch them here. http://www.husng.com/heads-up-sng-videos/video-category/waldie191s-videosI will need your sn, the site you play on, the stakes you currently play and a sentence or two about your HUSNG goals and why I should pick you.I will choose someone by Sunday or Monday.Thanks everyone and glglglglglgl.Kevin Waldie (waldie191)

il1keturtles's picture
SN: Jakester1288 on

SN: Jakester1288 on PokerstarsCurrently playing $30s. I believe I should be picked because I am willing to work hard on my game, and want to become the best HUSNG player out. I want to beat the $60s next month and $100s in new years, and $200s next year, eventually pressing on to $300 plus (but that's quite a while away yet).

zilltine's picture
zillas33 on Pokerstars.

zillas33 on Pokerstars. Playing $7. My plan is to become winning low-mid stakes player. You should pick me because your series is making it from scratch, you dont need big winner and you dont need guy without basics. I`m your man :)

waldie191's picture
Jakester...you win the free

Jakester...you win the free leakfinder!PM me for details.